Open Access Partnership Program (OAPP)
At PreferPub, we believe that research should be freely accessible to everyone, without barriers or restrictions. All the content in our journals is openly available to readers worldwide, without requiring registration, subscriptions, or payments of any kind.
While some journals charge authors for submission and Article Processing Charges (APCs) to cover the costs of publishing OA, most of PreferPub’s journals do not impose these fees.
Our Open Access Partnership Program (OAPP) supports academic institutions in promoting equitable access to knowledge while simplifying administrative processes. Through OAPP, institutions can benefit from streamlined workflows and tailored invoicing solutions, with additional support for authors where applicable.
PreferPub’s OAPP is perfect for institutions committed to advancing open-access publishing and supporting their researchers. For more information, please contact us at
Key Benefits
- No registration, subscription, or payment required for accessing journal content.
- Flexible invoicing options tailored to institutional needs, including bundled or centralized invoicing.
- Institutions can withdraw from the program at any time without penalties.
- Our team ensures all submissions comply with journal policies.
Cost-Free Access
- All journal content is freely accessible to readers without limitations or registration requirements.
- While some journals charge authors for APCs, most of PreferPub’s journals do not impose these fees.
- Authors affiliated with partner institutions enjoy waived submission fees and, where applicable, discounts on APCs for journals that require them.
- Institutions receive updates on article submissions, acceptance, and publication statuses.
- Comprehensive reporting on authors, publication timelines, and invoiced amounts is available.
- Notifications at key stages: submission, acceptance, and publication.